Friday, April 17, 2009

Just a Little Bit Longer

We were told today that the work is going to take until at least WEDNESDAY. Crazy. I think though that I'm getting used to it??? No, I'm definitely not.
Posting at mom's work. Jake's with nana; me and mom are going to the baseball game. Yesterday Jake had a fantabulous day after we picked him up. We met Odin and Leah in the park where we ate dinner and they got to run and play. It was just perfect. They both looked like they were having a great time. I ran around with them and they played so well together. They like to hug, or at least like to when we prompt them to. It was a lot of fun, really was.

We're sad not to be with Jakey tonight, but it'll be good to be alone for a while. We'll give him big hugs when we get home.

Song of the Day: The Smiths: Bigmouth Strikes Again

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Test Failed

Last night I tried to post from my phone. I signed up for the SMS tool to post from a cell, but it didn't work for some reason. Bummer cause it took me a while to type it out on that little keyboard. Here's what I wrote aside from the info I provided above:

"Good day. Mom made kimchi chigye for dins. Jake just went to bed. It literally took him 2 minutes to sleep. He was in a good mood all day. LOVE that he's back to his old self."
There you have it. I should add that mom and I did take him to the park which he loved...until he had to leave. He met two new friends who were 4 and wanted to play hide and seek with him. They actually said it was "his turn to count."

Song of the Day: Radiohead: The Bends

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pork Barrel

Looks like they won't finish by the weekend. Aaaarrgggh.

Picked up the Jakers a bit late yesterday as I was teaching and grading papers. We went strait to mom's work where he got to play with dangerous painting equipment (kidding, though he does fancy an extending painting rod fr some reason) and eat donuts thanks to auntie Mariann, who loves to fill him with food every chance she gets.

Nana made dinner for us so it was a relaxing evening. Jake was a bit manic the whole night, but it was fun. He was obviously in a good mood and wanted to play. With a belly full of nana's roast pork, he fell asleep right away and through the night.

Song of the Day: Manic Street Preachers: A Design for Life

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Smooth Mondays

Still posting a day late. CAN'T WAIT for the work to be done at the house.

Jake was better--much better--yesterday in terms of his mood and how he felt health-wise. He seemed in better spirits and generally happy. I took him for a smoothie after I picked him up. Slept well and (almost) through the night. Babysitter said he was better too. He's still testing us in terms of his limits. We're being consistent (or at least trying to) with him though. Last night he wanted to play in the dishwasher and I sternly said "No!" It made him cry. Not my intention, but that's what happened. We've also noticed that he's gravitating towards mom much more now. The making of a mama's boy?

Song of the Day: The Sugarcubes: Mama

Monday, April 13, 2009

East of Ewa

First time since I started this thing that I didn't blog for two consecutive days. Couldn't help it, the house is still all messed. Did take the pix though and will post them here.

Saturday he felt better for sure. Started his Music Together back up (switched to Saturday), then we did some shopping and such. He was definitely more fussy, perhaps it was the post-sickness mood. We got a new washer and dryer at Sears in the late morning. Admittedly it was perhaps one of the most trying times I've had with him. He wanted to wander and pull stuff off shelves and such. I lost my patience because I realized he has very few limitations. He does what he wants and when he doesn't get it he screams. I decided then that we have to start being more stern with him in terms of not getting everything he wants. I don't know, maybe he's too young, but he's in the beginning stages of being spoiled, and I don't think that's a good way to be. He slept several hours during the day, which at the time was great, but Saturday night was perhaps his worst night ever in terms of sleep. The first time he woke was about 12, then he never really slept for more than 20 minutes after that. It was bad. He had no fever, so we thought maybe it was just that he wasn't tired, perhaps hungry (he didn't eat a big dinner), or just not feeling well.

Sunday was Easter, and his fever was completely gone. Had brunch at Duke's in the AM. He was still fussy though and made Lina cry several times by taking stuff away from her while they were playing at Odin's house. We went there for egg coloring and dinner. It was fun, but his fussiness is worrying us a little.

Song of the Day: Sea Wolf: Middle Distance Runner