Saturday, December 27, 2008


Fully intended on blogging last night, but it happened that we had no power. Indeed, it was the "Great 18 Hour Post-Christmas Blackout of 2008," leaving all of Oahu w/o power for, well, hours. Honestly, it would have been all about Jake's parents considering it was their 9th anniversary. We spent only the late afternoon and late evening with the Jakester as we were out celebrating the day. Happy Anniversary mom.

Song of the Day: Replacements: Within Your Reach

Today was all Jake. Still no power in the AM so we decided to venture into town. Whole Foods was open (and insanely crowded) so we decided to visit Nana and have some...whole foods. Jake was in a particularly good mood all day. Did get a little tired of me taking pix of him, but he was mostly giggles. Went to Ala Moana AGAIN to do some gift exchange etc. Back at home we had a swim and he was in heaven. Absolutely loves the water. I can't explain the joy of seeing him giggle and laugh in the pool.

Great day and very thankful that we survived the "Great 18 Hour Post-Christmas Blackout of 2008" in one piece.

Song of the Day: Electric Six: Danger! High Voltage!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The 2nd Xmas

Jake's second Christmas. A wonderful day all around. Didn't blog yesterday b/c we all fell asleep at 8pm. None of us woke until 7. It was nice, but I missed writing about his day yesterday. No worries though, today was way more interesting...

Woke at 7 and started unwrapping presents. The big items: a kitchen from Nana, a Bobilo (sp?) toy from Auntie Shellie, and books and puzzles from mom and me. Making pancakes...Sparky enjoyed his xmas...Early afternoon we took a hike up to Makapu'u Lighthouse. Beautiful day, Jake slept the whole way up on my back.

He woke up on the way down. We thought he peed in his pants, but apparently it was my back sweat. Gross, I know. By the end of the hike he was all smiles.

He's definitely not a hat wearer (I'm bummed about this b/c I think he looks great in hats) but we did get him to wear his UH hat for a snap.

Of course he had to get me back.
Dinner was roast beast and assorted foodstuffs from friends and aunties and uncles. I made a grilled fish. Passed the time with a Sam Adams Fizzywig Ale. After dins Nana took him for a walk and he was all Zs within minutes.

Merry Christmas Bibs. I love you.

Song of the Day: The Yule Log

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Touch

I just noticed Jake is wearing the same thing he wore yesterday. Actually, his babysitter told me this (in Korean) and I think I thought she said something else. No worries. I'm glad he's a beatles fan. (Wait a sec, IS it the same?)

As with yesterday's love of the camera over the great outdoors, Jake continued his affection for all things mechanical today. We went to mom's office to pick her up and Jake spent the entire time walking around turning things on, making the room cooler with the air con remote, talking on the phone. I have no idea if this is signaling some future in engineering or some such thing, but our plan has always been to encourage his interests. We therefore got him some tools so he can fix all the stuff around the house that needs attention. Thanks Jake.

Song of the Day: The Toasters: Manipulator

Monday, December 22, 2008

Park Ca-ma-ra

Took the Jakers to the park down the street around 5 for a little jaunt before dins. As of his almost-16-month-"birthday" Jake is far more interested in playing with stuff that has buttons than running in the park. He played with my camera for the first half. He's talented. How else did he get these shots of himself.

Ate much better today, but he's still in fussy mode. Nana thinks he needs to go to the doc for a checkup, we think he's just changing. Either way, we're keeping an eye on him.
Song of the Day: Josh Joplin: Camera One

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hamburger Helpless

A very nice Sunday.

Started with a trip to Ala Moana (just now realized how much time we spend at that place) where we bought Nana’s xmas gift, binoculars for the whale watching season. This of course made us hungry so we headed to Kua Aina for a burger, Jake’s first.

Jake doesn’t like hamburgers. Nor does he like Diet Coke. This, is of course great news. He took a sip of the Diet Coke and this was his reaction.

The burger didn’t go over well either. He repeatedly spit out the meat, winced at the ketchup, and only wanted to eat the avocado and tomatoes. He did, however, like the fries. I personally don’t b/c they are basically potato sticks (a la the canned variety).

Topped it off with a runabaout in the park.

Song of the Day: The Descendents: I Like Food