I've never really written about Jake's bedtime routine (or have I?). Since he moved into his crib a couple months back, we have been staying in the room until he falls asleep. The routine usually entails mom and I bringing him in where we read a book or plays a little. We tried for weeks to get him to brush his teeth, but he resists vehemently. When we say it's time to go in the crib he gets more books and wants to play more. We eventually get him in and then we lay on the floor next to him until he falls asleep. Sometimes this takes 10 mins, sometimes 40 mins, like tonight. We know we have to get to the point where he will just sleep or go to sleep on his own when we lay him down, but for now it's a bit of an ordeal. Such is life with the Jakers.
Big event of the day: came home to our new kitchen. Other than that Jake was fussy the whole day, big time, just like he was last month. We think he may have a cold that's bugging him.