Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lina Girl's Back

Jake's best friend, Lina, came back from long trip to Korea this week. Today they finally got to hang out. They went to the Children's Discovery Center, a favorite pkace for kids here. They had a blast, playing, learning, goofing off. We finished off the trip with lunch at Nico's. We even had dinner together at Chun-chon Dalkalbi. He only slept for a short time in the car, so he should be tired as I write this (8:23PM), but he's still pretty wired. At least he'll sleep late.

Perhaps the most exciting part of the Discovery Center was when I was watching Jake on the boat replica. These places tend to make kids get a little wild, and rightfully so considering it's a place to let loose a little in a space designed for them. I was standing there just watching Jake and a kid of about 9 came running up to me and started WAILING on me. He's just going apeshit and ends the assault with a swift kick, full on, right to my shin. I looked around for mom and dad, not surprisingly, they were nowhere to be found. If Jake EVER does that he'll be up shit's creek for weeks. I really was kind of shocked.

Song of the Day: The Damned: Fish

Friday, January 2, 2009

Tripp to Zooropa 2

I hope I never take these days for granted. I think it’s easy to fall into the daily routine, let things just happen, never fully realize that the moment can easily slip away into memory. I think of these things when I’m with Jake, but the world around you intrudes. I never want the times alone with him playing, laughing, crying, and fussing to become memories, but they do, they always do.
Today mom and nana used their xmas present-spa treatments, so the Jakers and I went to the zoo. We went straight for the keiki zoo, where he was quiet, not quite sure what to make of the goats, pigs, and koi, which he was allowed to pet (but didn’t). He was most interested in the chickens and playing with the milk cans.
As we approached the cow petting area, I told him that milk came from cows. When he saw the cans, he grabbed his milk cup from his bag and ran over to them. He tried to find where the milk came out, moving his cup all over the can. These things amaze me. He’s seen cows in his books, but we’ve never told him there was a link b/t milk, cows, and cans. He put it all together himself.
His favorite place in the zoo is the playground. He played for a good 45 mins on the jungle gym and slides, having an absolute blast. He likes other kids, I think. He stares at them quietly, just looking, trying to figure them out. When he’s satiated, he moves on, plays, laughs.
Lunch was next. He was a little restless in the restaurant (New Elim), but he enjoyed his food (kimbap). We went to Wal-Mart to get some basics for nana’s new apartment, went home, went to nana’s new apartment, ate, and he slid into his new crib with much ease.

I’ll never take these things for granted. I really never will.

Song of the Day: They Might Be Giants: The House at the Top of the Tree

Thursday, January 1, 2009

On New Years Day

Dad’s tired, so regardless of the fact that Jakers had a jam-packed day, this is going to be short.

1. Woke early for ddok-guk. This is a Korean New Year's tradition. Mom did not fail us and prepared a fantastic batch of the sticky, savory stuff.
2. Cleaned the house. The vacuum cleaner weirdly fascinated Jake as per usual.
3. Went to Aiea for a huge family dinner at Auntie Diane’s family’s place. Much Okinawan food (including a fab pig’s feet stew) and other tasty treats were consumed. Jake ate much.
4. A long swim and BBQ with Nana at home followed by the boring-as-heck Rose Bowl game and a quick sleep.

Happy New Year Jakers.

Song of the Day: Murphy’ Law:
Crucial BBQ

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sae Hae Bok

The Jakers is in an exceptional mood these days. He's giggling a lot and just generally pretty giddy. When we picked him up at the ajumma's, he was fast asleep with fellow babysitee Ji-min (also a cute kid) and did not fuss in the least when he woke. For dinner we went to Kona Brewing Company where Jake downed 6 Kona Longboards. Well, maybe someday. Regardless, he continued his liveliness and giggles all through dinner. On the way home he made "boom" sounds and pointed out the window at all the fireworks being set off around him. He fell asleep easily in the crib (with mom's help) and is sleeping peacefully as I write this through all the fireworks making noise out his bedroom window.
Song of the Day: The Walkmen: New Years Eve

Sleeping Computer

Had a very busy night last night, so I was unable to blog. First, my computer power port decided to stop working, so I had to rely on the battery, which died, as usual, way before it was supposed to. It decided to work this AM. I hope it stays that way.
Second, we decided kind of last minute to put Jake in the crib right away at bedtime. He should have been doing this for months, but me being away for 3 months and sicknesses prevented it. We knew it was going to be hard and it was. He bawled for an hour, but eventually fell asleep. It hurts to hear him cry, but it's for his benefit in the long run (and ours for that matter).
In the AM he went to his first dentist appointment. Hated it, but his teeth are in good shape and now clean. Dad got a little scolded for the plaque, but we now know how to properly brush the little things.
The highlight of his day was receiving his first Red Sox hat from Auntie Rebecca and Uncle David. He's not been a big hat wearer, but he seems to like this one. We'll get him used to it.
Song of the Day: The Standells: Dirty Water

Monday, December 29, 2008

Slow Day

Mom had to be to work early this AM, so me and Jake slept in 'til 7:15. It was nice; non-rushed and we took our time making it to the ajuma's place.
He spent the day there. I picked him up at 3:30 and we took a break in the park waiting for mom to finish work. He slept the whole time. At 4:30 we made our way to mom's office, she was busy so we hung out in the car. Jake loves buttons and knobs. The car has plenty, so he was in heaven.
Song of the Day: Armand van Helden: Koochy (via Gary Numan: Cars)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Drip Drip

Sunday. The best day. Used to be that dad hated Sundays (long story there), but now they are absolutely looked forward to and enjoyed. Jake, of course, has much to do with this.

Started with lunch at Choi's Garden, where we had al tang and the special lunch set, which included grilled fish, yong yang bap and chige. All good and Jake was laughing and having fun the whole time. He was so laid back and ate very well. Lately, I've been having a lot of moments. Moments where I look at him and start to choke up. He really is an unbelievably cute child and I could not be prouder of who he is at this moment in his life. I love him unconditionally.

We followed lunch with a trip to Home Depot. New faucets and a shower head were purchased and Jake kept himself busy with mom's sunglasses and keys.

All in all he had a great day. He laughed, he giggled, he pooped, he ate, he made us smile. All is good.

Song of the Day: The Sundays: Here's Where the Story Ends