I hope I never take these days for granted. I think it’s easy to fall into the daily routine, let things just happen, never fully realize that the moment can easily slip away into memory. I think of these things when I’m with Jake, but the world around you intrudes. I never want the times alone with him playing, laughing, crying, and fussing to become memories, but they do, they always do.

As we approached the cow petting area, I told him that milk came from cows. When he saw the cans, he grabbed his milk cup from his bag and ran over to them. He tried to find where the milk came out, moving his cup all over the can. These things amaze me. He’s seen cows in his books, but we’ve never told him there was a link b/t milk, cows, and cans. He put it all together himself. 
His favorite place in the zoo is the playground. He played for a good 45 mins on the jungle gym and slides, having an absolute blast. He likes other kids, I think. He stares at them quietly, just looking, trying to figure them out. When he’s satiated, he moves on, plays, laughs.
Lunch was next. He was a little restless in the restaurant (New Elim), but he enjoyed his food (kimbap). We went to Wal-Mart to get some basics for nana’s new apartment, went home, went to nana’s new apartment, ate, and he slid into his new crib with much ease.
I’ll never take these things for granted. I really never will.
Song of the Day: They Might Be Giants: The House at the Top of the Tree

I’ll never take these things for granted. I really never will.
Song of the Day: They Might Be Giants: The House at the Top of the Tree