Picked up the Jakers early this afternoon, but I didn't take him to the park. I decided to head back to Hawaii Kai to get the car washed. When Jake was 5-6 months old, I took him through the car wash and he hated it. He screamed, hooted, and hollered. I was a little scared to take him through, but I did and he was fine. He was actually curious about the whole ordeal. As a reward for being a curious kid, I took him to Bubbies for some mochi. He was on cloud nine. Funny bit is that the 16-ish year old girl that was working there was wearing a Black Flag t-shirt. I asked if she really listened to them (never seen a BF t in Hawaii) and she said "Not lately b/c I'm too busy. I do like oldies music though." I was shocked. Oldies?! They're not oldies! Man, I felt like a fogey.
Song of the Day: Black Flag (of course): TV Party