Friday, May 22, 2009

Roh More

No post yesterday. Went to the baseball game. Tournament, so the game started late (and finished late). Bows lost a heartbreaker in the bottom of the 9th. Won today though.

Did take a pic of the Jakers early in the AM. He asked to "pee pee," but didn't actually go. He likes sitting on the pot.
Today we went to Lina's for dinner. I think we were all exhausted. I know I was. Jake ate well (chun-chon, we eat there A LOT). He played with Lina and all was good. Slept on the way home.I had one of those moments this evening when I looked at Jake and it just totally amazed me that he was my blood, my family, my son. He IS Sujin and I. It's amazing. Blows me away. I can't put in words how much love I have for him.

Song of the Day: The Walkmen: In the New Year

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Non-event Event

Wednesday, May 20, 2009. What happened in Jake's life today? Well, he woke up, played a little with omma and appa, went to the babysitters. I don't know exactly what happened there,but I'm guessing he played with Lina, Ji-min, and Ben, ate, and slept. I picked him up at about 4 and the babysitter told me every time the phone rang he said "appa, appa!" That made me feel great. We went to get a Minty Fresh smoothie and picked up omma. Went home, omma made mandu-guk. Jakers played a little more and slept promptly at 8.

Song of the Day: Tears for Fears: Mad World

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Duck Sauce

Tired this eve, but I'll give it a go...

The upside: Took Jake down the street to feed the ducks with nana. He had a blast. I brought him there last year and he didn't get it. He was definitely interacting with the ducks and birds this time. He didn't want to leave.

The down: Omma worked very late and by 5:30 Jake wanted to see her. When this happens he goes to the door, picks up his shoes and cries the saddest cry in the world. I tried to explain that there was nowhere to go, that omma was on her way home. He was inconsolable. He cried until she came home, about 30 minutes. I felt sorry for him...and me.

Song of the Day: Beck: Nobody's Fault But My Own

Monday, May 18, 2009

Super Million Hair

Monday. What can I say? Normal day? Yeah, but very enjoyable nonetheless. Picked up the Jakers (and omma) and went directly to Ala Moana b/c omma had some stuff to take care of (exchanges, returns, etc.) These days Jake is mos def not into the stroller thing. It must have looked a little funny b/c we decided we were going to get everything done as fast as we could so we wouldn't have to take him out of the stroller. If we did, he'd wander and pull stuff off shelves and do what any curious newish human would do. We were successful! He fussed a little, but with some inventive "strolling"--acting like I was going to crash into displays--he stayed occupied for the most part.

Dins was at Taiyo noodles. Great, basic food at this place and Jake was all for eating with me and omma without hassle. He was great and he wasn't even sitting in a highchair (the only one was occupied). It's days like these that renew my faith in our ability to eat out with the Jakes. A swell time was had by all.

On the development front: Jakers is definitely communicative with us. He doesn't say sentences, but he gets his point across. He'll rub his chest if he wants a bath, he'll say "mam" if he wants kimchi (which is every meal now, the kid is definitely Korean), and he'll point at stuff and say omma or appa if he finds it interesting. It's endlessly fascinating to me and it makes me so incredibly proud to watch him develop.

Song of the Day: Cornershop: Sleep on the Left Side

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Sundays

Early rise, omma sleep, Jake eat. Shopping. Lunch, Hooters??!! Me, baseball, omma and Jake, Odin and Leah. Home, nana, dinner. Sleep. Good.

Song of the Day: David Kilgour: Rolling