No post yesterday. Went to the baseball game. Tournament, so the game started late (and finished late). Bows lost a heartbreaker in the bottom of the 9th. Won today though.
Did take a pic of the Jakers early in the AM. He asked to "pee pee," but didn't actually go. He likes sitting on the pot.

Today we went to Lina's for dinner. I think we were all exhausted. I know I was. Jake ate well (chun-chon, we eat there A LOT). He played with Lina and all was good. Slept on the way home.

I had one of those moments this evening when I looked at Jake and it just totally amazed me that he was my blood, my family, my son. He IS Sujin and I. It's amazing. Blows me away. I can't put in words how much love I have for him.
Song of the Day: The Walkmen:
In the New Year