Not better in the weather department. Still unbelievably hot and sticky. Hate it.
Picked up the Jakers and we went home where we did our usual routine of sweep/clean up the house a bit after the kitties. They are hairy, especially Sparky. Jake loves cleaning. Nana made spaghetti (aka "basta") for Jake so we chowed down. Afters we went to Bubbies, Jake's favorite new place. It's official, he knows the difference between food and "food." He can't get enough mochi ice cream.
At dins we were discussing whether Jake was smart or not. We-shockingly-think he is. As soon as we sat him in front of the pasta, he grabbed the fork and started twirling it in the spaghetti. Sujin showed him that once and as far as we know, he hasn't seen it elsewhere on TV or some other place. Nana also sings a song with him, something about "ears hanging low" (to be honest, I'm not a big fan of the song, but Jake loves it). There are hand movements for the song and Jake knows them all. He can do the whole routine without help. The reason why we think this is so incredible is obvious, he's our kid, but he also seems a little different. He seems very engaged, connected, aware. Maybe all other 21 month-olds are, maybe not. Either way he's our special Jakey. For sures.
Song of the Day: Guided By Voices: I am a Scientist