Not only did I not post on Friday, I didn't even take a picture! My apologies Jakey. It was a long day and I didn't get home until late. Jake went with omma and nana to eat dinner while I went to the baseball game. Apparently it didn't go well. He was fussy the whole time. They left early actually. Jake wasn't feeling well and we thought he was getting sick. He woke up Saturday OK, although he does have a cold.
Saturday was long and fun. Ohana Music in the AM. Jake was pretty active this week and behaved well. I love watching him interact with the other kids. There are too many though, they shouldn't have such a large group. Afters we met nana, went to Target and had lunch in Kapolei, where we went to a store for organizing stuff. In the afternoon we went to the AMST picnic for a short time. Omma wanted to meet Sunhee, so I went to the baseball game. Afters I went over to their place. It was 9:00 and Jake was still awake. He was obviously tired, but kept playing. He eventually went into Lina's room and laid in her bed (she was sleeping in the living room). Jake asked me to lay next to him and I sang while he fell asleep. It is and will be one of the greatest memories I have with him. Incredible.

Today was Leah's baby shower. Jake got to play with a lot of friends so he was happy. He was also pretty fussy too though. He threw a couple of tantrums, mostly
for not getting what he wanted. Worries me when that happens. Don't like to see him so emotional. Seems like it was just a today thing though. I hope that's the case.