Omma's bday today. Since yesterday was the dinner, today was kinda mellow. We picked up omma, headed home and I made grilled cheese to go with nana's chicken soup. Omma's still sick, so we hung low.
One thing that wasn't normal was Jakey's behaviour. He's definitely reaching some kind of stage. He knows exactly what we're saying to him, but he's testing us a lot lately. Today he took my wallet and I wanted it back. He likes to empty it out, which is a major hassle, plus it's not a toy. I told him to give it back and he hugged it tighter, telling me he wasn't going to return it. I want to be consistent with him so I wouldn't leave him alone until he gave it to me. It was fascinating, he looked at me with total knowledge of what I was saying, but defied me. Surprise, but I won. He only fussed a bit after that as he knew what the right thing to do was. As an aside, the formatting of the blog is bothering the hell out of me. Even though I hit 'return' after this sentence, it still won't create a space. AAAArrrrrggggh!
Song of the Day: They Might Be Giants: No!