Back to the regular Monday schedule. Picked up Jake, brought him to omma's,* then we went home. Stopped at Frog House for some chow (sundubu, kimchi-chigye, and chok-bal) and partook upon hitting the jip.
Even though Jakers is still sick, he's in great spirits these days. He's having a grand old time running and laughing. In the past month or so he's been taking my glasses off my face, folding them, and putting them in my shirt (through my collar). He then searches for them in my shirt. Honestly this has been bothering me b/c I immediately can't see a thing. It's one of those moments where I realized there is no reason to lose my cool, but I always felt annoyed. Tonight I decided to play and I acted like he was tickling me while he was looking for the glasses. He loved it and giggled uncontrollably. Problem solved.
Song of the Day: Bran Van 3000: Problems
*I've been using "mom" instead of "omma" for posts thus far. Jake, however, uses "omma" (and calls me "appa") so I've decided to switch. Note taken.