Saturday, May 16, 2009

Turtle Horse

No post yesterday. I went to the baseball game. Jake and omma went for dinner with nana. He was asleep by the time I got home:(

Fun day today. Me and omma went horseback riding at Turtle Bay while Jake and nana took a walk. Afters we had lunch at the pool. It was an amazingly beautiful day. We decided to go to Kewala Bay for a swim. Jake loved it. Shave ice on the way home at Aoki's. Jake slept the whole way.

All good.

Song of the Day: Bran Van 3000" Gimme Sheldon

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Better day today with the Jakers. Omma went out for dins with the ladies so it was just me and Jake after I picked him up. We came home, did some house stuff, ate. After dins he was crying. He wanted his omma. He pointed at the door, cried, and said "Omma!" I took him for a walk, but it didn't help, he cried almost the whole night. I held him as he cried and sang songs. At one point he pointed at the bed. I put him in and he was out.


Song of the Day: Morrissey: That's Entertainment

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Same Same

Today's post could be very similar to yesterday's, but rather than rehash the whole thing, I'll just say that I tried a little harder today when things got difficult. Example later.

Today was a unique day in that I spent the entire thing with Jake. The babysitter was moving so it was all me. The gist: breakers at Whole Foods, school to get my papers to grade, oil change, home for nappers/cleans, lunch with omma (ramen), park for slides down the hill (Kakaako WP) on cardboard boxes, and dinner with Lina at chun-chon. That's where the fun began.

As per usual these days, Jake has about 5-6 bites of food, then gets antsy and starts saying "Omma" in a whiny voice whilst out-stretching his arms (toward omma). We usually take him out of the highchair and he proceeds to, well, do whatever he wants. Today it was open the cooler door, run around, pull stuff off the table, etc. etc. In light of what I wrote yesterday, I decided to try a new tact. I took him outside and for the first time used the dreaded "timeout." I told him what was appropriate behavior, asked if he was ready to go in the restaurant, etc. He kept saying "ne" (yes), so I took him in. He went right back to refusing the highchair/eating. I took him back out, except this time to the car, and talked to him. He listened to me, answered when I asked him questions, and showed he wanted to go back in. I did this about 4 times. I think it was a success. He knows what a timeout is now, and did sit and eat nicely for a while. Patience.

Sunhee suggested that he was too young to get right/wrong. He is in many ways, but he's also understanding what we're saying. He's smart. I think based on this fact it's OK to introduce limits, and that was my goal tonight.

An example of his intelligence: He has a box with 12 miniature Disney (Lion King, Cinderella, etc.) books in it. Each book is about 3"X3". This afternoon we were sitting on the couch and he said "appa" and pointed at a picture of one of the books on the back of the box (all 12 are represented there) and said "No!" I turned the box around, looked for the book, and sure enough, there were 11 books; the one he pointed to was missing. Freaked me out.

Song of the Day: Jimmy Cliff: I Can See Clearly Now

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Only the Truth, Sir

If I'm going to be honest with this blog, then I should write how I've been feeling the past couple of days. This is for Jake's benefit after all, and when he reads this, I'm sure he'll appreciate how I feel and the fact that I wrote it. This kind of post is rare, but probably much more interesting for the reader. Wait, Jake's the only reader. (I did, by the way, tell omma about this site, but she hasn't looked at it yet. You can ask her why.)

I've been losing my patience easily the last couple of days. I have a short temper with Jake. I'm expecting him to listen to everything I say and I expect him to react to what I ask of him. I KNOW, this has much more to do with me than him, he is only 2 after all, but I do think that he has some ability at this point to know basic rights and wrongs; I can see it in his eyes. I so realize it's a process and that it's going to take years of patience with him. I guess this is a test for me. I'm his father and I need to be patient and understanding. Actually, I think I am, I'm just going through a rough patch at the moment. There you go...all fixed.

I'll never give up on you Jakey.

BTW, Picked up Jake, home, dinner w/nana, TV, sleep.

Song of the Day: The Thermals: Now We Can See

Monday, May 11, 2009

One One

The Jakers was a bit of a fuss ball today (not the mini soccer kind). Picked him up and brought him to the playground with nana. He had fun, we had fun. Then we went to get omma, who was still working. As I've said before, it's the worst place for Jake b/c it's all dangerous stuff and he wants to play with it all. It's me following him around saying "no" and "don't touch." It's tough. We went to the phone store afters, followed by dins. At both places he wanted to fuss and play. He threw his spoon and nana's hand cleaner after we told him not to. Here's the kicker, we thin he knows we're saying no, but he's ignoring us. It's tough sometimes, today was one of those days.

Song of the Day: Run DMC: It's Tricky


Majorly bummed. I wrote a long post about the weekend yesterday before heading out for dinner. I spent the whole day with Jake b/comma hung out with her friends for mother's day.Oh well, I can say this, it was great to be with him all day and I'll cherish these alone times. We bonded for sures!

I'll tell the rest of the weekend in pictures:


Sunday with me...

Song of the Day: MGMT: Kids