Saturday, January 17, 2009

Zoot Suiters

Didn't blog last night b/c people stayed until 11. I was tired. Jake had a big day/evening. Aunties Val and Mo as well as Uncles Jon, Ed, and Sean came over for a BBQ. He enjoyed every second of it. He loved the attention and ate it up. He went to sleep immediately after being put in his crib. Great evening.Today was great too. Met Odin and Leah as well as Liam, Sean, and Charlotte at the zoo. Everyone had a fantastic time playing on the jungle gym and looking at the animals.
Afters we went to Best Buy to do yet another exchange. Jake then got a haircut (the picture I took didn't come out) and went home for a shower. All this activity has made his mood much better these past couple of days.

Song of the Day: Husker Du: 8 Miles High

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I don't want to make this a routine blog post, I really don't, but Jake is still being very short tempered, and if I'm being honest, it worries me a little. He's never been like this, but as far as I can tell, it's a phase and he's trying to test his limits. I also think there's been some change at the babysitters. Not sure what it is, but I think there has been some kind of change there.

Song of the Day: Tracy Chapman: Three Little Birds

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fussy Bus

Still in his fussy mood today, the Jakers. Everyone says it's a stage and we hope that it is. He's extremely moody and cries at the drop of a hat. On the other hand, he'll stop quickly too if he ses something he likes. Tiring these couple of days, but we realize it' all a part of Jake's growing up.
Song of the Day: The Wrens: This Boy is Exhausted

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Brusher

Dad's tired this evening b/c he and mom went out to celebrate an exam finishing with Aidan. Nana watched Jake. In the afternoon dad spent some quality time with the Jakers, mostly playing and watching a signing DVD (this is unusual b/c he's not big on watching vids).
I took 2 pix today, one 5 minutes after he woke (he went strait for the toothbrush) and one this aft when he was playing a new game: pop yr head up and scare daddy. He LOVES the surprise games. Giggles uncontrollably.

Song of the Day: Green Day: Pulling Teeth

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tough Day

We all had a pretty tough one today. When I picked up Jake the babysitter told me he hadn't slept. It was 4pm, so that meant he was going to sleep until 5:30 once I put him in the car. He did. When he woke, he immediately started crying. This was a theme for the day as he did the same this AM when he woke. Basically, he has a VERY short temper these days and bawls dramatically if he doesn't get what he wants. It's frustrating and scary, but we know he's growing and testing his own limits as well as ours. We read up on tantrums and how to deal. He's still too young to have strict limits, but he does need them.

Song of the Day: Rolling Stones: You Can't Always Get What You Want (Ironically, I saw the 1981 tour from which this vid is taken. I was 10years old and saw them in Koln, Germany.)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Sun day

Jam-packed day for the Jakers. Started with his first Ohana Music class for this "semester." The class is a chance for him to let loose a little by singing, dancing, and playing with instruments. He doesn't sing too much, but he likes to move and most of all play with the instruments. He also likes to stare at the other kids and parents. The teacher, Stephanie, is great and makes all the kids feel happy.

It knocked him out so mom and dad snuck lunch at Islands Burgers. Decadent as hell, but delish. Jake had sushi from Shirokiya when he woke.

Rested at home for a while and waited for nana to come over. Decided to go to he park for a walk and to play and run. Went to Kapiolani, brought some balls and big plastic golf club/ball. From the time we hit the grass, Jake was BEGGING for the camera and whining when he didn't get it. One thing is clear, as of right now, he is definitely more interested in gadgets and pushing buttons than anything else. I really wonder it's a sign of things to come. It'll be great if he is interested in machines, but I hope he's well rounded and likes to romp outside as well.

Song of the Day: Daft Punk: Da Funk