We all had a pretty tough one today. When I picked up Jake the babysitter told me he hadn't slept. It was 4pm, so that meant he was going to sleep until 5:30 once I put him in the car. He did. When he woke, he immediately started crying. This was a theme for the day as he did the same this AM when he woke. Basically, he has a VERY short temper these days and bawls dramatically if he doesn't get what he wants. It's frustrating and scary, but we know he's growing and testing his own limits as well as ours. We read up on tantrums and how to deal. He's still too young to have strict limits, but he does need them.
Song of the Day: Rolling Stones: You Can't Always Get What You Want (Ironically, I saw the 1981 tour from which this vid is taken. I was 10years old and saw them in Koln, Germany.)