Jakers had a little trouble hitting the hay this PM. First time in a very long time. Took him about 45 mins to settle and sleep. Could have something to do with the fact that it's 85 and muggy as heck. Trade winds decided to take a long break. Weird, it's been hot/no trades more often than not for the entire month-plus. We're sticky and moody b/c of it...including Jake.
Good day otherwise. Dins with nana and omma. Afters we went for a long walk around the building to escape the heat. Jake was obviously loving it. His smiles and giggles make us happy.
In the picture Jake is stamping the bottom of my foot with a stamp from omma's office. I have no idea why he wanted to do that, but he insisted I take off my shoe/sock so he could stamp it.
On a down note I found out today that I'll be going to Guam for a month in July. We're all going to be bummed. I'm going to miss Jake something fierce.
Song of the Day: Red House Painters: Things Mean A Lot