Another day of fussiness, but it's most definitely due to his being sick. He's extremely irritable and short-tempered. 2 of the 4 toddlers at the babysitters have ear infections. We're taking him tomorrow to get looked at. His ears don't seem to be bothering him, but something mos def is. We'll see.
I think also the fact that our house is in complete disarray has been discombobulating for the Jakers as well. Hell, it has been for all of us. Stress level goes up when things aren't where they're supposed to be. They finally kind of finished today, but a few odds and ends need to be wrapped up. Hopefully this weekend we can get it all sorted out.
Dinner was sushi. The pic is mom and Jake on the way to the car. In spite of his mood, he still had a bboppo for omma.
Song of the Day: fIREHOSE: Hear Me