Friday, April 10, 2009

Got to Admit It's Getting

Weird posting the day after the day's events, but the internet is still down at the house and my imbalance is still high. Supposed to finish by the end of next week. REALLY hope they do. Can't wait to get my living space back.

Another tough-ish day with the Jakers. He had a fever in the AM, then it kind of subsided in the afternoon. Didn't give him any medicine in the evening and he slept well. Woke up with no fever. The babysitter today said though that he's crying a lot and won't eat. Man Jakers, if your're reading this, you should know that me and omma are endlessly concerned about your well-being. Seems like everyday we worry about something, but that's not your fault. We just care about you very much .

Song of the Day: Supergrass: Going Out