This is a blog about Jake, for Jake. Since before he was born I've been writing occasional notes to him about his life, my life, his mom's life. My hope is that sometime down the road I can give him all of the things I've written for/to him so that he'll have a better understanding of who he is and where he comes from.
I got the idea to start this blog while sitting in my miserably cold little research carrel at the library writing chapter 2 of my dissertation. I originally planned on doing an interactive blog on music memory and nostalgia, which I still may do, but at the moment this seems more fun.
The plan is to take a photo or video of Jake (or to steal one from his aunties, uncles, and other friends) once a day and write a short blurb of a major event in his day. The majority of the pics will be taken with my phone, which will explain the low quality. I did this for a year once on a calendar in, I think, 1990 (sans the pics). I learned a lot about myself and I hope Jake does too. Who knows, maybe he can take this over some day. Hopefully the pictures will tell a story too. I can't help but think of Harvey Keitel's Auggie Wren character in Wayne Wang's Smoke taking a picture of the smoke shop corner for years. There is power in memory, whether it be joy, sadness, or melancholy. I hope Jake experiences it all through his photographs.
A caveat: Although the plan is once a day, it'll most likely be 5-6 times a week. It's his fault. He keeps us busy.
As I write this Jake is sleeping on the bed next to me. These days he sleeps in the afternoon, around 3:00, for about 2 hours. Today's pic is Jake catching Zs on the bed. He's wheezing because he has a cold. Major runny nose. Weird how kids his age can catch something so quick. Yesterday he was fine.
I got the idea to start this blog while sitting in my miserably cold little research carrel at the library writing chapter 2 of my dissertation. I originally planned on doing an interactive blog on music memory and nostalgia, which I still may do, but at the moment this seems more fun.
The plan is to take a photo or video of Jake (or to steal one from his aunties, uncles, and other friends) once a day and write a short blurb of a major event in his day. The majority of the pics will be taken with my phone, which will explain the low quality. I did this for a year once on a calendar in, I think, 1990 (sans the pics). I learned a lot about myself and I hope Jake does too. Who knows, maybe he can take this over some day. Hopefully the pictures will tell a story too. I can't help but think of Harvey Keitel's Auggie Wren character in Wayne Wang's Smoke taking a picture of the smoke shop corner for years. There is power in memory, whether it be joy, sadness, or melancholy. I hope Jake experiences it all through his photographs.
A caveat: Although the plan is once a day, it'll most likely be 5-6 times a week. It's his fault. He keeps us busy.
As I write this Jake is sleeping on the bed next to me. These days he sleeps in the afternoon, around 3:00, for about 2 hours. Today's pic is Jake catching Zs on the bed. He's wheezing because he has a cold. Major runny nose. Weird how kids his age can catch something so quick. Yesterday he was fine.
Song of the day: Day One...In Your Life