Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Lemon Sign

Jake knows sign language. Well, at least the basic signs used by toddlers. I don't think this is anything that peculiar for someone his age, but I'm pretty impressed regardless. Sujin is of course responsible for the vast majority of his signs. I'm teaching him "gentle" at the moment, but Sujin taught him "done/finished" (among many others), which is crossing your arms across one another...
He also knows "more," which is index finger pointing to palm of other hand...

Then of course there is "that is freaking sour," which is a severe wince of the face. (A note, he grabbed the lemon off the table and kept shoving it in his mouth. He wasn't our guinea pig.)
Song of the Day: The Lemonheads: Into Your Arms (MTV World Premier Video from 1993! Whoa, I remember this.)