Mom and dad had mondo work to do so Jake had to spend a couple of hours at the babysitters this AM. We felt sorry for him, but later when we brought over some mandu to say thanks for watching him on a Saturday, he didn't want to leave and bawled when we pulled away from the driveway. He's usually raring to go when we pick him up. This is what he looked like as soon we walked in the door this AM...

...but I guess it worked in reverse this time. He was all smiles by Wailaie though. From what I've read, he's a typical toddler. Easily bothered, likes to throw tantrums, but just as easily distracted if you show him something he likes. I worry that we're spoiling him, but I think mom is doing an unbelievable job at being consistent and fair. She really is a great mom.
The rest of the day was spent getting more supplies at Home Depot and then cleaning Jake's room. We narrowed his toy choices down (he had WAY too many just laying around) and rearranged his books. His room looks great now, especially with him sleeping peacefully in it.
Song of the Day: The Lemonheads: I Don't Wanna