Typical busy Sunday for the Jakers. Ohana music in the AM, then he went to Leah and Odin's for a little play time. I didn't go with, but mom sad he had a blast. I spent some fun time with him in the afternoon while mom was sleeping. We played the peek-a-boo game that he likes so much these days. He hides behind the couch and pops his head up. Giggles uncontrollably. Got to see nana at dinner time.
I know that most kids amaze their parents, but Jake truly does amaze me. Seriously. This morning I couldn't find my glasses so I went into the kitchen and said simply, "Jake, where are Daddy's glasses?" He took me--without hesitation--strait to the bathroom sink where I usually keep them, and pointed. This blew me away b/c I thought he only understood Korean, but apparently not.

Song of the Day: Liz Phair: Whip-Smart