As per all Sundays, Jake had Ohana Music this AM. Last week he made us proud by sharing with the other kids in the class. This week he did the same and we couldn't have been prouder again. During the instrument play-along-with-the-song segment, rather than play with instruments, he picked up everything around him and handed them to one of the moms. He must have given her 10 things throughout the duration of the song. After the class he offered hugs to the teacher and a couple of friends. One of the moms said "He squeezes!" when Jake hugged her.
As I write this I'm thinking that you, the reader, are rolling your eyes, thinking to yourself that I'm gushing about something that most kids do. True, but I've never felt this kind of pride for a child, someone who is, I guess, a reflection of oneself. It's really nuts. Yes, he fusses, and yes, he's stubborn sometimes, but he never makes me lose my temper or get mad. He seems to know something. Gushing or not, it feels good.
In the afternoon the fam spent several hours clearing out the kitchen making room for the new one that will be built this week, hopefully.
Song of the Day: Stretch and Vern: I'm Alive