Even though it was Monday, we still had a good day. Jake's still a little sick and, worryingly, still fussy. He's being a classic baby in the sense that he sees something, wants it, doesn't get it...cries like hell. A bit better today, but still wearing his emotions on his sleeve.
I thought he'd be tired when I picked him up and the sitter actually said he didn't sleep. This usually means he hits the Zs as soon as he hits the seat. Instead he stayed awake, so I took him to the park for a little jaunt. We had fun save the "I want to play in the water fountain and will protest vociferously if you deny me" moment. Picked up mom, home, dinner, and then we decided to take a walk. Three stages on his walk: 1)He actually walked, a lot; 2) He wanted to be carried, a lot; 3) He protested, but got in his stroller and was asleep with in 10 mins. He's sleeping now. He's woken up at 3:30/4:00 since the sickness. I so hope that's not the deal tonight.
Song of the Day: Ted Leo/Pharmacists: Where Have all the Rudeboys Gone?