Yeah, St. Partick's Day. Jake would have worn his IRE jersey but he went to the babysitters and clothes tend to disappear there. Maybe this weekend.
What was special about today? Well, in terms of activities, nothing really special. I took Jake to the park after picking him up. Met nana there. Went home, made pasta for dinner (this is, BTW, Jake's latest word, although it sounds more like "bada!" than "pasta").
What was special? The love I felt for Jake. Yes, I've written about this before, but there is a level of love that I think is something particularly special about a parent-child relationship. I'm feeling things I've never felt before. The kind of love I experience for him when he comes to hug mom and I together is untouchable. I wish I could capture that for all my relationships. Not a certain kind of love, but an understanding, a gentleness, a affirmation within myself that life is so good, that it is so worth living when you feel love.
Song of the Day: The Cranberries: Dreams