No rain today, but there was swimming. Picked up the Jakers a little early and headed to the pool before dinner. Nana made scrumptious mac and cheese that probably had enough calories for a week, but what the heck, it was amazingly delish.
When I went to pick up the Jakers, the babysitter told me she thought Jake bit another kid earlier in the day. She showed me the bite mark on his arm. She said she wasn't sure,but thought it was Jake. She's told us before that he bites, but he's never done that with us. In the past weeks I've had the chance to see the other child play and he's very aggressive. One day last week when we dropped him off after the dox appointment he started hitting Jake in the face over and over again as soon as he sat down. I kept saying "No!" thinking the babysitter would stop it, but she didn't. Sujin and I have talked about this, and to be honest, I'm pretty uncomfortable about the whole situation. I don't want to come off as "Jake is right, every other kid is wrong." I really don't. I'm sure Jake is aggressive at times as well. He has never, however, bit us nor have we seen him bite another child. Something to think about, something to worry about.
Song of the Day: P.I.L.: Worry (http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/song/Worry/3063586