Yep, almost lost it today. More mayhem at home today than in the past 2 weeks; and yes, it's been 2 weeks since they started. There was just so much dust and crap everywhere and of course (no fault of his own) Jake was all over everything that was dirty. On the bright side, I put the shower curtain up and took a nice shower. It is nice and I hope the rest of the work makes us feel as good.
Aside from playing in the dust, Jake was in high spirits today. He had fun just playing at home and he really seems to be getting super attached to us. We both love it. We really do. Nana gets love too and Jake obviously can't live without her. We had dinner at different times and cleaned/watched the telly. All's good in Jake World tonight.
Song of the Day: The Descendents: I Don't Want to Grow Up