Thursday, January 1, 2009

On New Years Day

Dad’s tired, so regardless of the fact that Jakers had a jam-packed day, this is going to be short.

1. Woke early for ddok-guk. This is a Korean New Year's tradition. Mom did not fail us and prepared a fantastic batch of the sticky, savory stuff.
2. Cleaned the house. The vacuum cleaner weirdly fascinated Jake as per usual.
3. Went to Aiea for a huge family dinner at Auntie Diane’s family’s place. Much Okinawan food (including a fab pig’s feet stew) and other tasty treats were consumed. Jake ate much.
4. A long swim and BBQ with Nana at home followed by the boring-as-heck Rose Bowl game and a quick sleep.

Happy New Year Jakers.

Song of the Day: Murphy’ Law:
Crucial BBQ