Jake and I met mom at her new office for the first time (as in a post-work 4:30-ish kinda thing) and, well, of course she wasn't ready at 4:30. We waited until 5:30. I wanted to watch the Bows' baseball game and mom wanted to meet Sunhee. That's the way it ended up.
But that's not the way it ended up. At the park I followed the UConn-Syracuse game, which was an epic. Around the 4th inning I saw that UConn lost. No worries; the UH game was going well. I left the game when it was 5-2 in the 7th, figuring they were in for a win. By the time I was exiting the parking structure, it was 5-5. At home listened (on the computer) all the way until now, the bottom of the 11th, when UH won.
Sounds simple, but I had to restart the comp for the 4th time today in order to get where I am right now. Drove me friggin' nuts today (the comp). Seriously. I felt like throwing the thing out the window. It took FOREVER to download a new iTunes, which happened to coincide with what seemed like the 10th Windows update in the past 3 days (which forces a restart of the comp). AnyWAY, felt like I was waiting the entire day.
I was waiting the entire day; but, if it concerns Jake, I'll wait forever. Come to think of it...I didn't wait for him at all today (except at mom's office I guess).
This whole post feels discombobulated. Thanks Windows Updates, iTunes updates, slow computer, mom, and endless restarts.
Whatever. Sleep.
Song of the Day: The Feelies: Slipping (into something)