No blog last night b/c I went to the baseball game. Jake went to Sunhee and Lina's to hang out. I took The Bus home so I didn't get in until late.
Today was all me an Jake. Mom had to work all day, so it was just the two of us from 6 to 6. We took it slow in the AM, I made Jake's breaky (figs, cheese, and tomatoes) and I had a grilled cheese. He was restless so we went to see nana at work before his swim lesson. He fell asleep on the way so he didn't get to say hi. Although it was a rainy day, we went to his swim lesson regardless. The pool is heated and he really likes the water, so we went. There were only 3 out of about 7 kids there, so it was nice. He really is good in the water. Afters we went to see mom, ate lunch and headed home. He slept on the way, but only for a short while. As mom was on her way home, we went shopping for dins, came home, he had a bathers with mom, we ate and he slept.
Oh Wait..he had a haircut too! He looks awesome. He's so easy in the chair too. He just sits there, staring at everyone.
Good day.
Song of the Day: Band of Horses: Is There a Ghost?