Thursday, April 9, 2009

Even More Discombobulated

Couldn't write at home last night b/c the electrician disconnected the net. Just as well, it was really late by the time I figured that out. Matt came over for pizza and talk story. Stayed til about 10.

Brought the Jakers to the dox in the AM. The night before (Tuesday night) he woke up several times with a high fever. The tylenol didn't seem to be working. I seriously considered taking him to the emergency room b/c the fever hit 104.7. I decided to head down to Safeway to get advil at 2:00 am. When I got back he was sleeping and did so til 6. Had a fever when he woke. Gave him some tylenol and of course at the dox he didn't have a fever, which makes me think the doc was like, "Quit worrying, he doesn't even have a fever." It was bad though and we were justifiably worried. In the end I think he knew that.

So he had a fever all day yesterday, same as the two previous days. The advil works much better, but we're still worried b/c it just won't go away.

On top of all this is the house being a mess. I can't believe how much this makes my inner balance all out of whack.

Song of the Day: Starsailor: Fever