Took the Jakers to the playground with nana. He's not himself today. Looks really down and has no energy (although he did perk up before bed as usual). Nana took his temp and sure enough, he had a fever. Don't know what temp though, because we kept getting different readings. It was obvious he had a fever though. Mom had dinner with friends and Jake mos definitely missed her. At dinner he pointed at her seat and said "Omma?" At his usual time (about 8:10) he actually asked if he could go to bed by sitting on the floor and making the hands to ear signal for sleeping. I took him in and he said, "Appa...Omma?!" I said she was coming home soon and he went right to sleep. I can't explain how happy these little things make me.
Weird thing at the playground; there were 3 kids there, all looked about 8, obviously siblings. Their dad, I assume he was, was off to the side, sitting on the grass smoking a roll-your-own. The kids immediately engaged us, saying "Can he talk? What's his name?" etc. etc. They then approached him and started petting him, saying "Cute baby" and the like. They then kept asking to hold him, go down the slide with him. I politely said that he needed to learn, so it's best to let him do it himself. Nana was bothered by this. I found it strange, but I'm guessing the parents are the type to actually teach there kids to be limitless and "free." The dad had an accent, at one point the girl (no accent) said she called her dad "Oppa," which is hebrew. Interesting experience. Dude never said a word to us and sucked on his cig the whole time.
Song of the Day: Desmond Dekker: Israelites