Actually it was a good day. Took the Jakes to Kap'iolani. It's been my thought that he has been sleeping well because I've been taking him to the park, zoo, somewhere everyday. He gets tired out, sleeps better. Don't know if it's true, but he has been sleeping better.
Noticed today that he's getting a better grasp of words. He repeats a lot of what I say, or at least tries to. It's fascinating. He's definitely trying to communicate more. Oe of the things I love is his hand gestures. At dinner he'll yell "Omma/Appa/or Nana!" When we say "What?!" He gestures toward our seats and says "Uh!" as in "Sit there!" It's great. I'm sure when he's 25 and still doing it we may feel different.
Song of the Day: The Cure: Friday, I'm in Love (to obvious?)