Another fine day. Only downside: omma didn't really spend it with us. She went out with work friends, so Jake and I picked up nana and went for dins. We went to Big City Diner. Jake was in heaven b/c they had pesto pasta. Dude loves pasta these days. Afters we went to Fun Factory (bizarre place: kids, parents and wanna-be gamblers playing the "betting" games for tokens to "buy" toys); Jake had a blast, absolute blast. Finished up with some frozen yogurt (strawberry w/fresh strawberries and blueberries).
Jake is definitely more contemplative these days and it's cute as hell. You can tell his little brain is working overtime to figure stuff out and he REALLY wants to talk. Oftentimes these days he'll put his head on his hand al la the Thinker and look as if he's just contemplating something. It's priceless.