Another day with the Jakers. Although the majority of these daily posts seem to say, "I picked up Jake, we went home, we ate, he slept." The details of that mundane routine are what I never want to take for granted. For example, when I pick him up in the afternoon, he comes running across the room gigging and smiling, saying "APPA!!" He's so excited to see me and he hugs me every time. It is a truly unbelievable feeling. I will never, ever forget it.
So today was a little different. Omma's sick so I took her to the doctor's and to a stomach x-ray test. Even though she was sick, she made us dinner. (Thanks omma!) A positive side of it is that we picked up Jakey a little early. Nice evening at home. Nana came over for a short spell after dins.
Things I say to Jake a lot these days:
-Bigs (what I call him)
-Boozoos (another thing I call him)
-Bigboy? (asking him if he's behaving)
-Wazoo! (an exclamation that I make when I pick him up, he's big)
-Sleeps? (self explanatory)
-Jimmies (get your pajamas)
Hmm. I hope he's literate when he starts school! Kidding, the rest of what I say makes sense...kind of.
Song of the Day: Taken By Trees: Sweet Child O' Mine