Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jake is definitely more contemplative these days and it's cute as hell. You can tell his little brain is working overtime to figure stuff out and he REALLY wants to talk. Oftentimes these days he'll put his head on his hand al la the Thinker and look as if he's just contemplating something. It's priceless.
Song of the Day: Jawbreaker: Fine Day
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Feeling kind of bothered at the moment. No, not at Jake. I DVR'd the US Men's Soccer Match and found out that they decided to move it to another ESPN when it was supposed to air. Really disappointing. Tried to email a complaint, but their contact form is defective. Figures.
Good day otherwise. Ate dins with nana, although she didn't actually eat (ate earlier). Jake was in a pretty fussy mood all day. As soon as he woke he cried and followed by crying about everything that didn't go his way, which he felt was pretty much...yep, everything.
These pictures are courtesy of nana taken on Saturday. Nice pix.
Song of the Day: The Stranglers: Golden Brown
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Word to the wise: Stay away from concentrated high-energy drinks unless you have 5 hours to do something active. I've been running a lot lately and I usually feel pretty tired when I do. I had a cup of caffeinated coffee recently just before running and it was great. I could have ran much more than I usually do. (I, BTW, gave up caffeine about 2 years ago) I've been curious about the energy drinks. So I was at Sports Authority and saw some and decided to try one before running. Didn't do much...until I was done running. I took it at 2 and I'm still feeling it (almost 10 now). The upside is that I was all for after-Omma's work activities. We went to Home Depot, Ward Center, and had dins at Sillawon. I was wired the whole time. I'll most likely not be downing one of the little caffeine concoctions anytime soon, unless I run a marathon.
Song of the Day: Gray Matter: Burn No Bridges
Monday, June 1, 2009

Another day with the Jakers. Although the majority of these daily posts seem to say, "I picked up Jake, we went home, we ate, he slept." The details of that mundane routine are what I never want to take for granted. For example, when I pick him up in the afternoon, he comes running across the room gigging and smiling, saying "APPA!!" He's so excited to see me and he hugs me every time. It is a truly unbelievable feeling. I will never, ever forget it.
So today was a little different. Omma's sick so I took her to the doctor's and to a stomach x-ray test. Even though she was sick, she made us dinner. (Thanks omma!) A positive side of it is that we picked up Jakey a little early. Nice evening at home. Nana came over for a short spell after dins.
Things I say to Jake a lot these days:
-Bigs (what I call him)
-Boozoos (another thing I call him)
-Bigboy? (asking him if he's behaving)
-Wazoo! (an exclamation that I make when I pick him up, he's big)
-Sleeps? (self explanatory)
-Jimmies (get your pajamas)
Hmm. I hope he's literate when he starts school! Kidding, the rest of what I say makes sense...kind of.
Song of the Day: Taken By Trees: Sweet Child O' Mine
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, dinner, Lina, Sunhee, Peter, soju, tired, hoi, Jake, Lina, fun, morning, Ohana Music, nana, botanical garden, picnic, bread, ducks, nap, dinner.
Sunday, me, surf, Jake, omma, home, bathers, home, clean, play, Costco, Kate, birthday, Tiki's, dinner...sleep.

Friday, May 29, 2009
The Bub

Not better in the weather department. Still unbelievably hot and sticky. Hate it.
Picked up the Jakers and we went home where we did our usual routine of sweep/clean up the house a bit after the kitties. They are hairy, especially Sparky. Jake loves cleaning. Nana made spaghetti (aka "basta") for Jake so we chowed down. Afters we went to Bubbies, Jake's favorite new place. It's official, he knows the difference between food and "food." He can't get enough mochi ice cream.
At dins we were discussing whether Jake was smart or not. We-shockingly-think he is. As soon as we sat him in front of the pasta, he grabbed the fork and started twirling it in the spaghetti. Sujin showed him that once and as far as we know, he hasn't seen it elsewhere on TV or some other place. Nana also sings a song with him, something about "ears hanging low" (to be honest, I'm not a big fan of the song, but Jake loves it). There are hand movements for the song and Jake knows them all. He can do the whole routine without help. The reason why we think this is so incredible is obvious, he's our kid, but he also seems a little different. He seems very engaged, connected, aware. Maybe all other 21 month-olds are, maybe not. Either way he's our special Jakey. For sures.
Song of the Day: Guided By Voices: I am a Scientist
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Fighting Bed

The 8PM sharp sleep time may be a thing of the past. This is the second night in a row that Jake was not having it. He was wide awake, eventually did sleep after fussing. He may not need 10 hours a night now. I think he's sleeping more than an hour during the day too.
In other news. Omma and I got in a fight at dinner. I'm not sure Jake understood we were, but he probably sensed it. So stupid. I'm sorry Jake, I really am.
Song of the Day: Joy Division: Love Will Tear Us Apart
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sleepless In Situ

Jakers had a little trouble hitting the hay this PM. First time in a very long time. Took him about 45 mins to settle and sleep. Could have something to do with the fact that it's 85 and muggy as heck. Trade winds decided to take a long break. Weird, it's been hot/no trades more often than not for the entire month-plus. We're sticky and moody b/c of it...including Jake.
Good day otherwise. Dins with nana and omma. Afters we went for a long walk around the building to escape the heat. Jake was obviously loving it. His smiles and giggles make us happy.
In the picture Jake is stamping the bottom of my foot with a stamp from omma's office. I have no idea why he wanted to do that, but he insisted I take off my shoe/sock so he could stamp it.
On a down note I found out today that I'll be going to Guam for a month in July. We're all going to be bummed. I'm going to miss Jake something fierce.
Song of the Day: Red House Painters: Things Mean A Lot
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Weel B'day

Funny, I just read this website that tracks behaviour through the first few years. Amazing how accurate it was. It said at 21 months Jakers needs routine and won't like it if things are out of sync. Yep. Omma worked late and when she does, he stands by the door and cries. Did it today, after we went swimming. He had a blast in the pool, but wasn't ready to go when it was time (of course). Seems he wanted to decide when it was time to bolt. I decided for him and he got over it pretty quick.
Dins at Kona BC. Pizza, but he wanted "basta!!!" Didn't get it but he did get a vanilla mochi. He wanted omma's p'at one instead...of course.
Song of the Day: The Rolling Stones: Brown Sugar
Monday, May 25, 2009

Pleasant Memorial Day. Woke early-ish. Jake actually slept a little late today, about 6:40. Felt inspired, so we went to Ho'omahulia Botanical Gardens. Fun, but Jake was a little restless b/c we got there just about when he as getting tired. We did get some good pictures, and mozzer bites. It was nice.
Lunch in Kailua and home for, what else, work. Safe to say though Jake had a wonderful day. Dins with nana, "American" fare.
Song of the Day: The Cult: She Sells Sanctuary
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Just realized it's Jake's "birthday." He's 20 months old, in his 21rst. Crazy. Jake, you're growing up fast, you really are.
Don't know if it's the holiday or that I feel a little sick (stomach feels sour), but I have no energy; no desire to do much of anything. Didn't really affect our day with the Jakers, but did affect my posting last night, which didn't happen. I apologize Jake. Went to the (final) baseball game. I think that had something to do with it. Always seems like I don't post on baseball days. Yesterday Jakers had Ohana Music in the AM. It was just me and him as omma felt kinda sick. Laters we went to meet Odin's new brother, Keagan. Whilst there he played with Odin for quite a while. We had dins together.
Today we had french toast for breaky (thanks omma), then did something that Jake enjoyed immensely: bought a new vacuum cleaner. He loved spending time in the VC area of Sears...loved it. Our old model was there and he kept saying "Appa!" whilst pointing at the vacuum. He was laughing too. Loved it.
Afters we ate lunch and went home for a whole family nap. Swam after the nap. He was on cloud nine for sures.
Interesting fact about Jake these days: Every time we drive by a bus, a Chevron station, the playground Jake and I sometimes play at before picking up omma (in Kahala/Kaimuki), or the smoothie place on Monserrat, Jake points and says "APPA!!" as in, "Appa, there' a place we go together a lot!" or, "You taught me what that is, a bus!" It's amazing to me and blows my mind that he knows/recognizes these things/places. Crazy.
Song of the Day: Cold War Kids: Hang Me Up to Dry
Friday, May 22, 2009
Roh More
No post yesterday. Went to the baseball game. Tournament, so the game started late (and finished late). Bows lost a heartbreaker in the bottom of the 9th. Won today though.
Did take a pic of the Jakers early in the AM. He asked to "pee pee," but didn't actually go. He likes sitting on the pot.
Today we went to Lina's for dinner. I think we were all exhausted. I know I was. Jake ate well (chun-chon, we eat there A LOT). He played with Lina and all was good. Slept on the way home.
I had one of those moments this evening when I looked at Jake and it just totally amazed me that he was my blood, my family, my son. He IS Sujin and I. It's amazing. Blows me away. I can't put in words how much love I have for him.
Song of the Day: The Walkmen: In the New Year
Did take a pic of the Jakers early in the AM. He asked to "pee pee," but didn't actually go. He likes sitting on the pot.

Song of the Day: The Walkmen: In the New Year
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Non-event Event

Wednesday, May 20, 2009. What happened in Jake's life today? Well, he woke up, played a little with omma and appa, went to the babysitters. I don't know exactly what happened there,but I'm guessing he played with Lina, Ji-min, and Ben, ate, and slept. I picked him up at about 4 and the babysitter told me every time the phone rang he said "appa, appa!" That made me feel great. We went to get a Minty Fresh smoothie and picked up omma. Went home, omma made mandu-guk. Jakers played a little more and slept promptly at 8.
Song of the Day: Tears for Fears: Mad World
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Duck Sauce

The upside: Took Jake down the street to feed the ducks with nana. He had a blast. I brought him there last year and he didn't get it. He was definitely interacting with the ducks and birds this time. He didn't want to leave.
The down: Omma worked very late and by 5:30 Jake wanted to see her. When this happens he goes to the door, picks up his shoes and cries the saddest cry in the world. I tried to explain that there was nowhere to go, that omma was on her way home. He was inconsolable. He cried until she came home, about 30 minutes. I felt sorry for him...and me.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Super Million Hair

Monday. What can I say? Normal day? Yeah, but very enjoyable nonetheless. Picked up the Jakers (and omma) and went directly to Ala Moana b/c omma had some stuff to take care of (exchanges, returns, etc.) These days Jake is mos def not into the stroller thing. It must have looked a little funny b/c we decided we were going to get everything done as fast as we could so we wouldn't have to take him out of the stroller. If we did, he'd wander and pull stuff off shelves and do what any curious newish human would do. We were successful! He fussed a little, but with some inventive "strolling"--acting like I was going to crash into displays--he stayed occupied for the most part.
Dins was at Taiyo noodles. Great, basic food at this place and Jake was all for eating with me and omma without hassle. He was great and he wasn't even sitting in a highchair (the only one was occupied). It's days like these that renew my faith in our ability to eat out with the Jakes. A swell time was had by all.
On the development front: Jakers is definitely communicative with us. He doesn't say sentences, but he gets his point across. He'll rub his chest if he wants a bath, he'll say "mam" if he wants kimchi (which is every meal now, the kid is definitely Korean), and he'll point at stuff and say omma or appa if he finds it interesting. It's endlessly fascinating to me and it makes me so incredibly proud to watch him develop.
Song of the Day: Cornershop: Sleep on the Left Side
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Turtle Horse

No post yesterday. I went to the baseball game. Jake and omma went for dinner with nana. He was asleep by the time I got home:(
Fun day today. Me and omma went horseback riding at Turtle Bay while Jake and nana took a walk. Afters we had lunch at the pool. It was an amazingly beautiful day. We decided to go to Kewala Bay for a swim. Jake loved it. Shave ice on the way home at Aoki's. Jake slept the whole way.
All good.
Song of the Day: Bran Van 3000" Gimme Sheldon
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Better day today with the Jakers. Omma went out for dins with the ladies so it was just me and Jake after I picked him up. We came home, did some house stuff, ate. After dins he was crying. He wanted his omma. He pointed at the door, cried, and said "Omma!" I took him for a walk, but it didn't help, he cried almost the whole night. I held him as he cried and sang songs. At one point he pointed at the bed. I put him in and he was out.
Song of the Day: Morrissey: That's Entertainment
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Same Same

Today was a unique day in that I spent the entire thing with Jake. The babysitter was moving so it was all me. The gist: breakers at Whole Foods, school to get my papers to grade, oil change, home for nappers/cleans, lunch with omma (ramen), park for slides down the hill (Kakaako WP) on cardboard boxes, and dinner with Lina at chun-chon. That's where the fun began.
As per usual these days, Jake has about 5-6 bites of food, then gets antsy and starts saying "Omma" in a whiny voice whilst out-stretching his arms (toward omma). We usually take him out of the highchair and he proceeds to, well, do whatever he wants. Today it was open the cooler door, run around, pull stuff off the table, etc. etc. In light of what I wrote yesterday, I decided to try a new tact. I took him outside and for the first time used the dreaded "timeout." I told him what was appropriate behavior, asked if he was ready to go in the restaurant, etc. He kept saying "ne" (yes), so I took him in. He went right back to refusing the highchair/eating. I took him back out, except this time to the car, and talked to him. He listened to me, answered when I asked him questions, and showed he wanted to go back in. I did this about 4 times. I think it was a success. He knows what a timeout is now, and did sit and eat nicely for a while. Patience.

Sunhee suggested that he was too young to get right/wrong. He is in many ways, but he's also understanding what we're saying. He's smart. I think based on this fact it's OK to introduce limits, and that was my goal tonight.
An example of his intelligence: He has a box with 12 miniature Disney (Lion King, Cinderella, etc.) books in it. Each book is about 3"X3". This afternoon we were sitting on the couch and he said "appa" and pointed at a picture of one of the books on the back of the box (all 12 are represented there) and said "No!" I turned the box around, looked for the book, and sure enough, there were 11 books; the one he pointed to was missing. Freaked me out.
Song of the Day: Jimmy Cliff: I Can See Clearly Now
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Only the Truth, Sir

If I'm going to be honest with this blog, then I should write how I've been feeling the past couple of days. This is for Jake's benefit after all, and when he reads this, I'm sure he'll appreciate how I feel and the fact that I wrote it. This kind of post is rare, but probably much more interesting for the reader. Wait, Jake's the only reader. (I did, by the way, tell omma about this site, but she hasn't looked at it yet. You can ask her why.)
I've been losing my patience easily the last couple of days. I have a short temper with Jake. I'm expecting him to listen to everything I say and I expect him to react to what I ask of him. I KNOW, this has much more to do with me than him, he is only 2 after all, but I do think that he has some ability at this point to know basic rights and wrongs; I can see it in his eyes. I so realize it's a process and that it's going to take years of patience with him. I guess this is a test for me. I'm his father and I need to be patient and understanding. Actually, I think I am, I'm just going through a rough patch at the moment. There you go...all fixed.
I'll never give up on you Jakey.
BTW, Picked up Jake, home, dinner w/nana, TV, sleep.
Song of the Day: The Thermals: Now We Can See
Monday, May 11, 2009
One One

The Jakers was a bit of a fuss ball today (not the mini soccer kind). Picked him up and brought him to the playground with nana. He had fun, we had fun. Then we went to get omma, who was still working. As I've said before, it's the worst place for Jake b/c it's all dangerous stuff and he wants to play with it all. It's me following him around saying "no" and "don't touch." It's tough. We went to the phone store afters, followed by dins. At both places he wanted to fuss and play. He threw his spoon and nana's hand cleaner after we told him not to. Here's the kicker, we thin he knows we're saying no, but he's ignoring us. It's tough sometimes, today was one of those days.
Song of the Day: Run DMC: It's Tricky
Majorly bummed. I wrote a long post about the weekend yesterday before heading out for dinner. I spent the whole day with Jake b/comma hung out with her friends for mother's day.Oh well, I can say this, it was great to be with him all day and I'll cherish these alone times. We bonded for sures!
I'll tell the rest of the weekend in pictures:

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tired this eve. Had dins with nana after picking up Jake. Didn't go to omma's office b/c we took two cars. Jakers was great at dinner, well-behaved and ate well. Slept well as well. Well, think I'll, well, rest well now.
Song of the Day: X-Ray Spex: Oh Bondage Up Yours!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Omma's Birthday

Omma's bday today. Since yesterday was the dinner, today was kinda mellow. We picked up omma, headed home and I made grilled cheese to go with nana's chicken soup. Omma's still sick, so we hung low.
One thing that wasn't normal was Jakey's behaviour. He's definitely reaching some kind of stage. He knows exactly what we're saying to him, but he's testing us a lot lately. Today he took my wallet and I wanted it back. He likes to empty it out, which is a major hassle, plus it's not a toy. I told him to give it back and he hugged it tighter, telling me he wasn't going to return it. I want to be consistent with him so I wouldn't leave him alone until he gave it to me. It was fascinating, he looked at me with total knowledge of what I was saying, but defied me. Surprise, but I won. He only fussed a bit after that as he knew what the right thing to do was. As an aside, the formatting of the blog is bothering the hell out of me. Even though I hit 'return' after this sentence, it still won't create a space. AAAArrrrrggggh!
Song of the Day: They Might Be Giants: No!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Whew. Juts got back from omma's birthday outing at Bucca di Beppo's. The company (Leah, Odin, Leah's dad, Matt, Kate, Cyndy, Eric, Sunhee and Lina) was great, but overall it was rough. One of those dinners that just was weird from the beginning. The waiter wasn't around, he didn't organize the birthday song, and Jake was not having the sitting down stuff. Can't blame him, sometimes he'll just be bored sitting there. I took him out several times. Once I just spoke to him like he was older, like he should understand why he has to sit nicely. It was interesting, I gave my talk, he listened and answered "yes" to every one of my questions. I asked if he was ready to sit and eat. He said yes, and he did. He ate, very well, and then wanted to get up again. Overall it was more the restaurant's fault than his.
Song of the Day: Peter Tosh: Get Up, Stand Up
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This AM we went through our usual routine and left a little late at 6:40-ish. When we opened the door there was a type-written note taped to it from "Your friendly neighbor" about a child who is "making noise at 6:30 AM." Apparently the "child" is waking them up. I was pissed on so many levels. Too many to recount here, but the biggest being that the person(s) who wrote it were not brave enough to knock on our door and talk to us. I would gladly listen to anyone's complaints about noise, but the note on the door just makes me want to rebel. I don't want to spend too much time bothering with this, but it did ruin my day when it really shouldn't have. Jake is TWO and cannot control when he laughs, cries, smiles, or pouts! Enough said.
I took the Jakers to the park after picking him up. It was fun. He's a real good, sweet kid. He really is, which makes the whole note thing that much more bothersome. Actually, it's omma's bday week and the general mood is pretty bummed b/c she's sick. Life treats you to all kinds of up and downs and sometimes they come in spurts, affecting your whole life in every way. That's happening now and it happens to be going on with all of us at once.
Song of the Day: The Cure: Disintegration
Monday, May 4, 2009
iDon't Know

Back to the regular Monday schedule. Picked up Jake, brought him to omma's,* then we went home. Stopped at Frog House for some chow (sundubu, kimchi-chigye, and chok-bal) and partook upon hitting the jip.
Even though Jakers is still sick, he's in great spirits these days. He's having a grand old time running and laughing. In the past month or so he's been taking my glasses off my face, folding them, and putting them in my shirt (through my collar). He then searches for them in my shirt. Honestly this has been bothering me b/c I immediately can't see a thing. It's one of those moments where I realized there is no reason to lose my cool, but I always felt annoyed. Tonight I decided to play and I acted like he was tickling me while he was looking for the glasses. He loved it and giggled uncontrollably. Problem solved.
Song of the Day: Bran Van 3000: Problems
*I've been using "mom" instead of "omma" for posts thus far. Jake, however, uses "omma" (and calls me "appa") so I've decided to switch. Note taken.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Long and Winding Weekend

Saturday was long and fun. Ohana Music in the AM. Jake was pretty active this week and behaved well. I love watching him interact with the other kids. There are too many though, they shouldn't have such a large group. Afters we met nana, went to Target and had lunch in Kapolei, where we went to a store for organizing stuff. In the afternoon we went to the AMST picnic for a short time. Omma wanted to meet Sunhee, so I went to the baseball game. Afters I went over to their place. It was 9:00 and Jake was still awake. He was obviously tired, but kept playing. He eventually went into Lina's room and laid in her bed (she was sleeping in the living room). Jake asked me to lay next to him and I sang while he fell asleep. It is and will be one of the greatest memories I have with him. Incredible.

Song of the Weekend: The Verve: Lucky Man
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Picked up the Jakers early this afternoon, but I didn't take him to the park. I decided to head back to Hawaii Kai to get the car washed. When Jake was 5-6 months old, I took him through the car wash and he hated it. He screamed, hooted, and hollered. I was a little scared to take him through, but I did and he was fine. He was actually curious about the whole ordeal. As a reward for being a curious kid, I took him to Bubbies for some mochi. He was on cloud nine. Funny bit is that the 16-ish year old girl that was working there was wearing a Black Flag t-shirt. I asked if she really listened to them (never seen a BF t in Hawaii) and she said "Not lately b/c I'm too busy. I do like oldies music though." I was shocked. Oldies?! They're not oldies! Man, I felt like a fogey.
Song of the Day: Black Flag (of course): TV Party
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dinner was another round of "babas," only this time it was at the dalkalbi jip. He seems to be wanting to vocalize (at the very least) before hitting the sack these days. Funny, we keep getting comments about how well-behaved he is, but when he was done eating tonight, he was an antsy little stress ball. He wouldn't sit still, was yelling "baba"as loud as he could, and wanted to mix every dish with every other one. It may be that he feels comfy around me and mom or it could be a stage, either way, it was a bit difficult.
Song of the Day: Built to Spill: Twin Falls
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

At dinner Jake got the giggles and we all had a very long and good laugh. He started by saying "ba ba ba ba..." over and over again (in a loud voice). Nana acted like she was telling him to stop and he cracked up laughing. She said his smile is infectious. It is. He brought joy to all of us...for 20 loud minutes.
This just got him started because he was wild for about an hour til bed, which is, well, par for the course really. He loves to be super active before bed, like he's releasing something. He was particularly wild tonight. It was fun though.
No one, especially mom, seems to like his haircut.
Song of the Day: The Descendents: I Like Food
Monday, April 27, 2009
Kimchi Kid

Haircut! Mom thinks it's too short, but I like it. He was good in the chair, but got fussy toward the end.
Mom had some stuff to do at Ala Moana so we headed that way after work. We decided to eat early at Taiyo Noodles. Jake loves "pasta" almost as much as he does rice these days. Coming in a close second is kimchi, which he is asking for a lot these days. Today he kept wanting more and more. Yeah, he's Korean.
He's also saying more stuff these days, the cutest is when he makes any word with an "oo" sound. For example, "doo doo"; he purses his lips and says real slow "doooodoooo." It's very, very cute.
Song of the Day: Pavement: Cut Your Hair
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Somebody Told Me

Typical busy Sunday. I went surfing early this AM with Matt. (It was an absolutely amazing Hawaii day with puffy white clouds and bright blue sky dominating the entire morning, afternoon, and evening.) Mom and Jake slept in then went to the Won Buddhism temple for Buddha's b-day.
We met up around 1:00 at home and cleaned til Odin and Jin-young (sp?) came over for play time. They all had a blast as usual and to boot the house is back to normal (I cleaned the last vestiges of messiness whilst the kiddies swam).
Song of the Day: James: Laid
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Bizzy J
Internet was down last night (again), so no post. No worries, yesterday's pic is below.
In the eve we went to see Jang, Sa-ik at the Korean temple in Palolo with Lina and 'rents. It was fun. but Jake wasn't too interested. He got to play though, so he was happy.
Busy 2 days. Yesterday nana and I took him shopping and to Whole Foods for some chow. Nana made dinner for all of us.

Song of the Day: The Fixx: Red Skies
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jake, dad, park, jungle-gym (hate that word for some reason), little league baseball, mom, Dalkkalbi-jip, Lina, spice, chicken butt, noodles, play, fun, soju (no), water (yes), goodbye, sleep.
Song of the Day: Camper van Beethoven: All Her Favorite Fruit
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
It's Ovah!
Finally, yes, they finished. It looks good, but it was hell and there's a lot of cleaning to do. Ovah!
Running out of battery, gotta make this quick. Dinner in the park with Odin. They had a great time together for sures. Laughing running, playing; it's great to see them play together.
Song of the Day: Soul Asylum: Cartoon

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